Dynamic results with world class tech, reach and service rivalling small boutique hotels of the world everywhere.
Why List With Us?
Destination Properties Whistler is locally-owned and operated right here in Whistler, BC. Other companies may offer similar services, but ours come with a personal touch. It’s the little things that make the difference, we know who you are and what you are looking for from your Whistler property. Non-Rental home care packages are also available.
Great Revenues with Pricing Optimization 24/7!
Taking the hassle out of the management of your property.
Non-resident tax agency
Online owner bookings and review
Professional Photos & Video
Marketing through over 27 channels while contacting each guest personally.
Meet and greet all guests
Professional care of your home with a vested interest. Your success is our success!
Reasonable fees and no “booking fees or resort fees”
Professional cleaners and maintenance contacts and staff.
Design services upon request.
Tell us the location of your Whistler home, Square footage, number of bedrooms, bathrooms, extra amenities and anything else which may help us assess your revenue potential!
Satisfaction guaranteed and easy sign-up!
Contact Tanya or Gillian admin@dplwhistler.com
1 888 544 5189 or 604 902 9087 direct
UK Toll Free 0 808 101 0946